Trophy Hunting Adventures, LLC
"For an Adventure in Hunting"
2018 Newsletter
2018 started off with a bang. All of our turkey hunters filled both tags during opening weekend. We had a total of 8 turkey hunters in camp and we all had a blast filling tags with some great long beards.
Our antelope season started next. We had an exceptional season, filling 17 of 19 tags on some great NM antelope bucks. Between our archery hunt and our rifle hunts, everyone had a shot opportunity. During our archery hunt we had 3 hunters, 2 of which were John and Jacob O’dell hunting and filming for Drury Outdoors. This was an exciting hunt with all 3 hunters filling tags. The remaining tags filled were with rifles, at least two of those bucks would make Boone and Crockett.
Our bear season finished with 4 out of 7 bears harvested. Of the four bears harvested, one of them made Boone and Crockett. This bear hunt brought us a hunter attempting to harvest a bear with a bow who was unsuccessful but was surrounded by bears every day. During the week our hunters experienced various ways of hunting these predators. Between glassing ridges, hiking canyons (sometimes within 30 yards of dens), and predator calling, we left no stone unturned.
Next was our archery elk and deer hunt. One of our hunters had a combo hunt, he arrowed a 180 class buck but was not a fatal shot. All 3 of our early season archery hunters had shot opportunities. One of our hunters was able to knock down a bull scoring around 300 and the other harvested a bull scoring 333. Our 2nd archery hunt ended with 4 out of 5 tags filled on some good bulls.
Our rifle elk hunts were much more productive this year. When the rut kicked in, it really kicked in and the bulls were fighting like we haven’t seen in years. Most of the bulls we saw were broken in more than one place. Our guides worked tirelessly to fill tags on really good bulls. One of our hunters had an opportunity at a 380 class bull but we could not get him knocked down. On the second hunt one of our hunters was able to harvest a 386 class bull. We also had “The Hollywood Hunter” with us this year. Freddy was able to harvest a mature 340 class bull. Make sure you catch his show on the Pursuit Channel.
On our late season elk hunts we saw some really good bulls taking one that hit the 350 mark. Every hunter had an opportunity but we passed several bulls because most of them were broken severely.
In 2018 we had 10 regular season deer hunters filling 8 of those ten tags. Every hunter had an opportunity but unfortunately we had one miss and we had one hunter that didn’t see the buck he was after. Our late season deer hunt brought us 4 more hunters, all of which filled with really good bucks.
We hope to see you next year, please call and book your hunting adventure today!
Dave Garrett- 719-680-2527