Trophy Hunting Adventures, LLC
"For an Adventure in Hunting"

2023 Prices
Booked Until 2024
Prices are per Hunter
Prices are subject to change at any time

Archery Elk - 2x1 (Sept. 7-13) $8,500.00
Archery Elk - 2x1 (Sept. 18-24) $9,500.00
Rifle Elk - 2x1 (Oct. 1-5) $9,500.00
Rifle Elk - 2x1 (Oct. 8-12) $8,500.00
3rd Rifle Elk-2x1 (Oct. 14-18)
Late Rifle Elk Call for price
*5 consecutive days between Oct 14-Dec 31

Rifle Deer (5 days in New Mexico) $5,500.00
Archery Deer (7 days in New Mexico 7-13) $5,500.00
NM Management Deer (call for dates) $3,000.00
*Buck approved by guide
*An option for a trophy buck will be an additional $2,500.00

August 16-20 (5 days in New Mexico) $3,250.00

3 Days in New Mexico $1,200.00
*1 Bird Only

Archery - 5 day hunt (call for dates) $3,250.00
Rifle - 3 day hunt (dates set by state of NM) $3,250.00

Meals and lodging provided (2 hunter minimum) $450.00
*price is per person per day with a 2 day minimum
*offer combo prairie dog/ coyote hunt for listed price

No minimum group size (2 day minimum) $400.00
Additional Charges or Add-ons
1x1 Add - $200.00 Per Day
Non-Hunter - $200.00 Per Day
Transportation - Airport Pickup/Drop-off - $500.00 from nearest airport (Due at time of pickup)
Tracking with trained blood tracking dog- $35.00 per hour 2 hour minimum + $1 per mile travel expense via GPS
All hunts include meals and lodging, unless otherwise specified. Hunters are responsible for license costs, meat processing, and taxidermy. A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to book hunts, balance due on or before arrival. If paying upon arrival balance must be in cash or cashier's check. Credit Cards accepted for deposits only.